Senior Care Academy - A Helperly Podcast
Senior Care Academy is the podcast for caregivers, senior care providers, and families with aging loved ones. Hosted by experienced professionals, we explore essential topics like elder care planning, dementia support, financial advice, and emotional wellness for caregivers.
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Senior Care Academy - A Helperly Podcast
Thanksgiving Gratitude and Sweet Traditions: A message from the Caleb and the Helperly staff
Happy Thanksgiving!!
2024 was a special year here at SCA and Helperly and we hope it has been the same for you!
Enjoy this short message from Caleb reflecting on the year, and including special messages from the rest of the office staff about our favorite parts of the Holiday.
See you in December!d
Hello and welcome to this special Thanksgiving episode of Senior Care Academy. This week, for the first time ever on this podcast we have no outside guests. With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I'd just like to record a quick podcast in the spirit of the holiday. During this episode I've been doing a lot of reflecting and want to share some Thanksgiving thoughts about Helperly, the care industry as a whole, and then we'll have a brief message from some of the wonderful staff at Helperly and things that they're thankful for.
Speaker 1:Thanksgiving has always been a very important holiday for my family and I. As I grew up in a huge family, it's been getting more and more difficult getting everybody together and it's getting more infrequent as we all grow up and spread out across the country. So Thanksgiving's a special time where we're all able to get together and spend time and reflect on. The year 2024 has been a special year for my family and I. We welcomed our second little boy in June. His name's Desi. He's the cutest and chillest little baby in the world Totally, totally not subjective. I have to constantly remind myself to slow down and appreciate the little moments as my children grow up so quickly, like taking the time each night to put Wes to bed and have little stories and songs and things like that. But as my family has grown, so has the size of the Helperly team. 2024 has been one of our biggest years and with every new hire the team becomes more and more special to me. The talent we have here at Helperly just makes me excited for 2025 coming up and where we're taking and the way that we're helping transform the senior care space not only for myself and helpfully, but it's easy to take for granted the work that every single one of us in the senior care space does every single day Across the country. There's thousands of moments each day that could be shared in the section, so I'm grateful for all the caregivers out there who are constantly sacrificing for the betterment of their clients the caregivers, the CNAs, all the direct care staff that are changing lives. Just last week we had a story from one of our caregivers. She had went to a client's house a regular weekly appointment and was knocking and the client wasn't opening the door. So instead of leaving and canceling the appointment, the caregiver persisted and actually just walked in because she felt like she needed to and, due to the diligence, she found that the client had experienced a serious fall and was on the floor for hours and without caregivers and direct care staff like that. So moments like these just show how important the work that we do, all the way from direct care staff to those that are help guiding them.
Speaker 1:I want to also take a moment to thank all of you care professionals, companions, families and advocates who go above and beyond every single day. Without you, seniors would not have the profound impact that you and your kindness and dedication have on them that ultimately make the world a different place and a better place for older adults. So, as you celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the things in your life that make it special the people, the places, the things, the experiences, whether it's family, friends, colleagues or seniors that you care for. Let them know how much you mean to you. A simple word of thanks can go a long way and brighten someone's day, especially older adults, as sometimes they feel like they're not appreciated like they ought to be. Thanks to all of you that make your clients' lives, your coworkers' and your family lives brighter every single day. Each clients' lives, your coworkers and your family lives brighter every single day. Each of you have a difference in the lives of those that you connect with.
Speaker 1:I want to share also a fun family memory or a tradition that I have growing up. My mom doesn't know how to go easy on pies. Like an average year she makes 60 pies. I think the highest we had was 104. And so that's my whole entire childhood, where you'd have Thanksgiving day and then you'd have pie for the next seven to 10 days.
Speaker 1:But I believe I was eight or nine and we had all of my cousins over and we did a pie eating contest and we were all little kids. I think I chose banana cream because it was my favorite and the pie eating contest ended up lasting like 30 or 45 minutes because all of our stomachs were so small and we lived on a hill. So I, right in the middle of my pie eating contest, naturally to burn calories so I could finish the pie, I ran up and down the hill and I came back and finished my pie. Needless to say, I lost, but it's a fun memory and we still have pie eating contests and way too much pie for any individual person every year. So it was a lot of fun. Now we're going to hear from some of the members of the Helperly office staff some things that they're thankful for and their favorite Thanksgiving traditions. I'm really excited to introduce some people that are behind the scenes that you don't get to hear from all that often.
Speaker 2:Hello everyone. My name is Katie Tanner and I handle all things HR and operations. I would say this season I'm thankful for really good friends and health, because we can always be grateful to be healthy. Oh, favorite Thanksgiving item I have two, because I can't narrow it down. It is stuffing, because stuffing is just delicious. It's just bread, right Bread and really good seasoning, and sweet potato casserole.
Speaker 3:Hello everybody. My name is Aaron. I work in marketing here at Helperly. This year I'm grateful for new experiences, for friends and for hobbies. This year I've tried a lot of new things, no-transcript. Um, my Thanksgiving food is, uh, it's ham. Ham is better than Turkey, it's better than stuffing, it's better than gravy. It's the best part of Thanksgiving. And you mix that with some uh, uh cream corn, that's, that's primo, right there.
Speaker 4:Hi, my name is Evan. I am the care services director. I'm super grateful, uh, for my wife. I've been married for six months and, yeah, I'm continuously, perpetually grateful for her. So my issue with Thanksgiving is the lack of cheese. There's no cheese. You don't put cheese on turkey typically, and I'm like a psychopath for busting out a jar of queso and trying to dip turkey leg into it. Raspberry salad Do you know what raspberry salad is? Okay, it's really common. It's like a caramelized pretzel base that's like a crust and then like a cream cheese pineapple kind of thing on top of that, and on top of that is like raspberry raspberry jello, so it has cream cheese in it. That's as close to cheese as I can get. I really like cheese, in case you haven't noticed, but yeah, that's my favorite thing for Thanksgiving. It's like a dessert that is also on like the main plate before pie.
Speaker 3:So um all right.
Speaker 5:So this year I'm just thankful for uh, caleb Richardson offered me the job. I'm more grateful to be with the seniors and see where they're at and then helping them. So it's kind of like a catch-22. We're helping them and then in return, if they don't know, they're helping us. So that's what I'm grateful for this year.
Speaker 3:All right Now. What you're really grateful for is the food. Which food are you most excited for?
Speaker 5:Just the candy yam pie. So it's just this candy yam. It's just yams, but you put marshmallow in there and then brown sugar, so it's a candy yam, but you put it in a pie form. But candy yams itself is just out of this world, but in a pie form. Next level, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Tons of brown sugar and marshmallows. And there you have it. Hey, this is Caleb Richardson. My favorite Thanksgiving item is obviously pie. From the story that I went over All different kinds of pie triple berry, banana cream, pumpkin pie, pecan pie any pie that you've tried, I probably like it. Not apple pie, though no-transcript figuring the same thing out over and over. So I'm very grateful for the generations that come before us and then paving the way. From all of us at Helperly, we want to wish you a Thanksgiving filled with love, connection and gratitude. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for all the work that you do to make the senior care industry such a compassionate place. Enjoy the turkey or whatever's on your table, and we will see you next week at Senior Care Canada.